Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Working on "Callie Cat" in felted wool!

My newest commission in needle felted wool..."Callie Cat." 

Photograph of "Callie Cat"
Photographs are nice but, inevitably there is always something left out! (details I can't see). For example what are the color of eyes without the flash, what color is on the back, tail and paws??? I was fortunate enough to have my client have on hand some photos to share with more examples but, still you just can't see it I use my creative license to recreate the unknown:)
Placing in basic shapes of color patches and facial details 
Here I am checking the color to the photograph

The more finalized detail of the eyes are now in place
 I start needle felting from the feet up
Here am getting the length of the wool correct and small pieces at a time get needled into the body
Here I have built up the layers for a couple days and finally feel it is filled in correct and looks anatomically correct or at least as close as I could make it.....and added Callie's collar.
My studio pal "Pierre" has a new buddy, "Callie" to hang with until she goes in the mail.
 This is me saying; "Nice to meet you but, it is time to send you off to your new and Happy home" :)

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