Tuesday, December 16, 2014

makings of a super CooL cat...Needle felted by Nicole Slater

The exploration of needle felting animals. Here I am showing starting out with a pipe cleaner form of the cat. I do this so that the cats legs can move and also to reinforce the cats ability to stand up. Once the frame is complete I begin placing wool around the frame and tacking it into place with the felting needle. 

 Once I have the cat completely covered and the basic shape looks correct....I then begin to pick out colors of wool. This time I used Alpaca. I found it more difficult to work with the Alpaca because of the ultra softness...it just didn't seem to tack as easy(twice the work!)

 I use a photo to refer to and find it a bit frustrating because I can't just tell the cat to flip on it's side..LOL!! (or) check the color behind it's ear....usually the client give a few pictures and not all the information is there so....sometime I have to just guess if they don't have the pet or not enough photos.

The outcome is so worth the hard work! I love seeing the photos of the new owners enjoyment...Pretty Cool!!!
to order your pet in felt..visit my
 Etsy listing at https://www.etsy.com/listing/216067536/custom-order-needle-felted-pets-large

More Paintings by Nicole Slater