Thursday, June 12, 2014

Week #21 of 52 Oil Paintings: "Sunflowers in Copper"

Week #21 of 52 Oil Paintings: "Sunflowers in Copper"
by, Nicole Slater

I put together a photo sequential video just to show the process that took place while I was painting the Sunflowers and Copper.

 I enjoyed this process and looking back at the photos... reminds me of being in that moment:) 

I did have times when I struggled on color choices, or getting the right brushstroke and so on...but in the end...I just remember the fun of painting. 

I think I will try to do this on most of my work for awhile....I learn a lot just by looking and critiquing my own painting. 

I hope you enjoy this quick video

c. Nicole Slater
Video of: Process in making... 
Original Oil Painting
20 x 24"

Week #20 of 52 Oil Paintings: Poudre River

Week #20 of 52 Oil Paintings by Nicole Slater

Poudre River 

This was a blast to paint! I think because the image had a contemporary feel to start with.. like a picture of a contemporary painting.

I Immediately got out my Pallet Knife and went to town!

 I started mixing all these beautiful bold colors, scooped the paint up on the knife and built up bold blocks of color...then I started putting in the cracks and crevices by using the edge of the knife. I manipulated the paint from side to side, up and down, color on top of color and then got out the brush to lightly bush on areas to give them another texture, a softer texture and blending. 

This was a fun experience with the Pallet Knife....I had a BLAST!

c. Nicole Slater 
"Poudre River"
Oil on Canvas
11" x 14"

Thanks for viewing!

More Paintings by Nicole Slater